Facilitating digital citizenship and e-government services

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Identification & Onboarding

Multifactor authentication enables governments to verify the identities of citizens for critical and sensitive government transactions as well as for onboarding into government service programs.

  • Deewan MFA
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Alerts & Notifications

Deewan facilitates the immediate delivery of emergency notifications and alerts through its SMS or Push Notifications API. The solution extends to cover weather updates and other public announcements.

  • Push Notifications API
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Information Services & Surveys

Deewan facilitates nation-wide communication between government and citizens in two directions. With Voice API and Deewan IVR, governments can set up an interactive voice experience to receive citizen feedback, complaints, requests, and survey input.

  • Voice API
  • Deewan IVR
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Revenue Collection & Payments

Deewan facilitates access to government services for citizens, and equally efficiently, facilitates government payment reminders. Through transactional SMS and multifactor authentication, Deewan supports the delivery of a secure and private payment service.

  • Deewan MFA
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24/7 Government Response

Deewan enables government agencies to set up AI and FAQ chatbots that support the delivery of services, handle citizen inquiries, and provide timely information. Using Deewan Bots and Deewan Omnichannel Chat, this can take place across any platform.

  • Deewan Bots
  • Deewan Omnichannel Chat

Other industries we cater

Group 289362
Health Care
and Fintech
Frame 1000005795
Delivery and Logistics
Vector (19)-1
E-commerce and Retail
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